Lesson 1 Extras

Use this lay out with multiple word examples to show the students how words need vowels to be complete.

Use this lay out with multiple word examples to show the students how words need vowels to be complete.

Use this worksheet to introduce the students to the idea of vowels by having them cut and paste the glue vowels into the right words.
Use this worksheet to introduce the students to the idea of vowels by having them cut and paste the glue vowels into the right words.Vowel Glue Worksheet

For full size worksheet click the link below:

Glue Vowels Worksheet

Vowel Bingo Song:

There was a class at __________ school

Who knew their vowel letters

a, e, i, o, u – a, e, i, o, u – a, e, i, o, u

Those are the vowel letters

**Just like in the regular BINGO song you would repeat this and replace one letter with a clap each time.

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